Reciprocals of Smallest Primes & the Irrational Page

Reciprocals of Smallest Primes and the Irrational Page

These pages study rational and irrational numbers in bases {6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 60, 120, 360, 2520}. The right page, “The Irrational Page”, shows values of the irrational numbers φ, e, π, 2½, 3½, 5½, 7½ in the bases listed above. This page written 7 January 2008, tayya 7b20, seven dozen eleventh phase (Salcyra-Lectajinal Xrga, “Life Phase of the Virtual Solid Order”), St. Louis. The left page, “The Reciprocals of the Simplest Primes for Selected Bases” lists reciprocals of the primes 2 ≤ p ≤ 37 for the bases mentioned above. This page written 9 January 2008, tayya 7b22, seven dozen eleventh phase (Salcyra-Lectajinal Xrga, “Life Phase of the Virtual Solid Order”), St. Louis.

This page last modified Thursday 12 April 2012.