“Icarus fi Krunþe Alanþe”

Lonely Icarus

This loose graphite record of the stream of consciousness portrays Icarus on the floor of his apartment, the tools of his trade strewn all round, mired in confusion and loneliness. The Rykami Arysane is shown under his left arm. Below, three panels showing his memories appear. The upper left image is Icarus sanding shutters at the home of Mairenâ and Aveacrixe in June 1992. Below, Mairenâ drives her Fiat with Icarus the implicit passenger. On the right panel, the Eiffel Tower recalls the May 1992 Paris Rush. Page drawn 7 September 1996 (Tayya 5651) during the five dozen sixth phase (Ñixaþa-Xiübanal Xrga).

This page last modified Sunday 8 April 2012.